
"Did you ever complete the IRS mustang project? Do you have any final
pictures of the car and suspension you could send over? I am
your webpage and forum. Thinking about doing this for my 66."
Check out the free tech on my YouTube channel
What ever happened to this
answer, I got the IRS “fully” mocked up and in the car. I have pulled
the car on and off the lift dozens of times over the last 6 years but I
never got things buttoned up enough for a true road test.
Long answer, for me the fun in doing this kind of project is the
problem solving and design. Short of a road test, I got all the bugs
worked out and the suspension 95% done (I need to rework my trailing
arms and coil-over mounts, finish the sway bar mount and finish-weld
the entire set up) The other issue is that there have been a lot more
things in the last 6 years vying for my time. The biggest thing taking
my garage time has been my 62 Galaxie. It has become a driver but once
I got it on the road realized it needed some upgrades: a coil-over
front suspension that I retrofit to the car, rack and pinion install
that I built
from scratch using a GM J-car rack, home made fan shroud and a bunch of
little projects including eliminating the drone in my exhaust.
The good news is my interest is renewed and I am working on the Mustang
Items for Sale:
Others have followed in my
footsteps and finished their installations
thing that was born from this project and series of web pages was www.IRSuspension.com Even when I
wasn’t updating my webpage I was
posting on the forum and sharing what I had been working on. From these
pages and that forum several people took my basic concept, modified it
to meet their needs and the following is three different Mustangs that
have a working Jaguar IRS with a bolt in sub-frame based on the one I
designed. All this information and pictures came from forum
members who
posted what they had done.
Mustsed's Mustangs
IRSuspension.com Forum
Post: Jaguar IRS
install into 1967 Mustang Hardtop - Long 04/18/10
being someone who is different and likes doing modifications to
his car, I live in Turkey and our roads are not well suited for cars
with straight axles. Either you have some kind of IRS our you have to
drive slow on the roads here at the south coast of Turkey.
started to research this IRS thing 1.5 years ago and told a buddy
about it who has a "K" code 1967 Mustang Hardtop AND more money to
spend then I do. Very soon we agreed that I DO it and he PAYS it(great).
run across a 1986 Jaguar XJ12 rear end with 2.88:1 ratio and Power
Lock. There is really not much info on that issue and Daze's page came
to rescue. I've read his pages at least a few thousand times and
created my idea of how to proceed. The first things where the standard
shortening of the wishbones and half shafts beside rebuilding the
bearings and joints. Meanwhile I ordered a set of 3.73:1 ratio Dana 44
gears to be installed into our Salisbury Differential & Carrier
ebay sellers and informations on the net state that 3.73:1 gears
fit into the numerical lower carriers which we believe to be true!?!?!.
2.88:1 IS numerical lower then the 3.73:1 so it fits but it didn't,
I was forced to buy a THİCK gear 3.73:1 gear to make it work.
this took some time and made a delay in the project time line but
at the end I was able to put the IRS into the Mustang.
Daze started a post about the placement of the IRS and what
degree it should have in relation to the transmission. I chooses a
neutral "0" degree because of 1. the wishbone and 2. the reality that
Jaguar put it in that way. The 1. point was that I didn't want the
wheels to travel backwards while moving up and down.
the end I was able to stuff that IRS under the 1967 and it works
well there since almost a year now. Below are some pics of the install
and should there arise any questions please ask.
upper support bracket is made of 50x80mm with
3mm wall thickness tubing. It is heavy!! The round tubing for the
trailing arms and support arms are heavy hydraulic tubing with at least
4mm wall thickness.
don't have the equipment to measure the toe adjustments and I am
certain there is some change but keep in mind that the 4 Jaguar shocks
don't let the wheels move much on a light Mustang. The car in the pics
has maybe 3" of travel on a bad road but not more.
owner of the pictured car is very happy with the IRS and every time
we talk about it, he mentions how great road grip he has now.
am preparing my second Jaguar IRS to go into my own 1967 Mustang and
will try to use some kind of Watt's link on the wishbones instead of
the trailing arms. Shouldn't take to long to get there and
theoretically it is possible to do this but this is another post.
WAS a real big
ISSUE with the exhaust routing. We had the exhaust
made very late at night so we could attend a classic car meeting the
next day. There are a lot of kinks in the pipe and the performance has
gone down.
owner is going to replace the whole system. He and the
car are in another town so I don't know what and how they are going to
do this
IRSuspension.com Forum
Post: Thanks Daze!
you very much for creating this forum, for
sharing your knowladge and helping out people that are a way far away.
I did the "Subframed a la Daze" IRS build into a '68
Mustang hardtop. The installation went smooth and easy...
the installation I noticed that I forgot my file with the
Jaguar data at home (800 km away) so the best thing was to contact the
nearest (8000 miles) gearhead which was Daze. He send me the data
same day so I could continue to work on the car - Thanks again Daze!
are some pics of the car and the IRS. I have more pics but none of
the entire setup.
from Turkey
been quite a while since I started this thread and promissed more
pics back then. Finally I got around to sort the pics and below are a
few more.
am in the process of installing my own Jaguar IRS with outboard
brakes into my '67 Mustang. Have it all mocked up but the car sits way
to high so I have to re-arrange the cage a bit. Will start a new post
with that later.
I was comparing yours
to mine and these are the differences I came
up with, please let me know if I missed any:
different cross bar
(between side rales) location.
different pinion mount
different upper shock
the pinion support is
solidly mounted to the frame rather than bushing
mounted like mine
didn't have to notch
the side rales
think that the idea of a "cage" mounted to the stock leaf mounts is a
great idea and therefore needs to be credited to you Daze because I got
it from you!
there are some differences mainly because of time limitations and I
only got 5 days to work on that car. Ford tolerances are more then I
tought when using my own '67 as a jig for the cage. I had planned to
mount a section of U channel to the front leaf spring bolts and
use some bushings on the CM ends to hold it there. Have done them but
no time to make it to the car again. So it will wait a bit more till
they will bolt on the car. I can't remember from where I got the 3
upper shock mount bosses idea but they allow a bit of adjustability up
did the trailing arms at home and sent them to a mechanic who
installed them but they will be replaced by threaded rods with
adjustable joints that are sold by Kugel ($55 a piece - that hurts). .
All in all he is very very happy with how the car
handles and stays on the road as it never did before!!!!
plates form a rectangle at the end of the lower control arm which
stiffens up the mount boss / tube / fork triangle.
preparation took a few months but the installation was not a big of
a deal (except the variable meassurments on these Mustangs and the
extra work that showed up because of this) and I think that it is worth
every cent invested.
Chuwers' Mustang
Post: All credit
to Daze - - His IRS concept on my '68 Mustang 02/03/17
she is today.
I mocked it
up in wood first, then welded up the three main pieces;
side rails and
where the cross member attaches to the side rails. Two sets of
poly bushings and flanges, with a 5/8" Grade 8 bolt through 'em. The
1 1/2" x 2 1/2" by 0.188" wall.
I bolt the front of the side rails through the forward leaf
spring hard points, and swing up the
This shows the rear end swinging up into place,
pivoting on the forward
rail bushings. Once
in place, I use the original shackle links to pin the rear in
spring adjustment details are shown here. At first run, I was about
2" too high, so I got shorter, stiffer springs, and now they're
perfect. (IMPORTANT NOTE:, the '67 & '68 Mustang have 2" wider
flange-to-flange distance on the original car, so shortening the LCA
and half shafts is not
I have welded in TCP Frame Connectors and stiffener, I have a
convenient place to bolt in a pair of torque
arms (Left
Then, added the anti-sway bar. If you notice, there's still about an
inch left on the bolt where the original Jag radius arms attached. My
future plan is to build Watts linkage style radius arms (going straight
forward and aft to the chassis, with a pivot at that bolt) to react the
loads at the
LCA (Middle
then a view from the rear, up into the left side of the IRS (Right Picture).
the wat, just for kicks, I had one of the local high school geniuses
do this whole thing in CAD (Inventor), and made a few adaptations on
the as-built. Here are my starting dimensions (elevation
The '67/'68 is two inches wider
flange-to-flange than the '65/'66. I didn't shorten the LCA or half
shafts. What I did need tho', was wheels as follows: 16"x8"x5.25" BS
Torq Thrust. Note the large backspacing. That pulled my rear
wheels back in. Since
the Jag IRS is a Chevy bolt pattern, and I wanted same wheels all
around, I needed wheel adapters in the front, to go from Ford to Chevy.
So, I got the 1" thk wheel adapters in front, and the high backspace
wheels with Chevy bolt pattern all around.
It handles really well, altho' so far haven't really stressed
it. I'm still working the "shake down cruise", or might I say "flight
testing". It is totally stable, straight line under acceleration or
braking. Feels tight and confident. Once I get 500 miles on her, I'll
take her down to the skid pad, and maybe run an autocross or two, then
report back.
more information about
putting a Jaguar IRS in a classic Mustang?? Check out Page
I, Page
II, Page
III, Page
IV, Page V, and Page VI of
this project.
Disclaimer on Daze Tech Tips
I am not an expert
in this field. I have performed these modifications myself with very
good results. I am passing along restoration and
performance tips for the purpose of education. If you are
concerned about reliability or safety issues, I do not recommend that
you or any other individual perform these changes or attempt to modify
your cars from stock configuration except under your own
volition. I do not assume nor accept any liability for the
use of
information or how it is applied. |
© 2013
The words / logos for Ford, Jaguar, Mustang, Galaxie, etc are used for
descriptive and reference purposes only. DazeCars is neither affiliated
with Jaguar Land Rover North America LLC, Ford Motor Company nor the
manufacturers/distributors of Ford or Jaguar automobiles. |